
Aug 18, 2011

PPC Pay Out via Pulsa (PayOut Min 6rb)

Program ngumpulin receh via Pulsa??? mang ada??? yups.. di pay out bisa di ambil minimal cuma 6000 tapi cuma via pulsa dan saldo iklan, berbeda dengan PPC lainnya yang PO minimal 20.000an dan via Bank.

Bagi kamu-kamu yang pengen pulsa gratis, kamu bisa ikutan ini.

Setiap kali klik di dihargai Rp.200 dan minimal payout Rp.6000

Klo dihitung 6000 : 200 = 30 (hanya 30 kali klik) langsung bisa payout... menarik ga, untuk sebuah gratisan???

So,tunggu apa lagi...monggo langsung aja daftar di Isi semua data pada form pendaftaran lalu klik daftar kemudian jangan lupa untuk verifikasi e-mail kamu.

Selamat mendaftar..semoga cepet dapet pulsa gratis ya.... hehehehehehe

Aug 7, 2011

Cara Mengatasi Tampilan layar terbalik

Pagi-pagi, teman sudah terlihat heboh dengan netbook barunya. Lalu dia bertanya kepada saya,"Pak netbook baru saya layar monitornya koq terbalik ya, ga tau tadi mungkin saya salah pencet", sambil nyengir-nyengir ga jelas. Terkena virus po ya pak..kalo rusak ya ga mungkin to wong masih baru, sambung dia beropini. Pas tak lihat ternyata benar posisi layar nya terbalik berputar 90 derajat. Wah unik juga ney masalahnya, semua fungsi-fungsi sistem berjalan normal hanya layarnya saja yang terbalik. Setelah bertapa sesaat di  negeri maya  terpecahkanlah masalahnya. cekidot..... berikut cara mengatasinya  :
  • Tekan tombol CTR + ALT secara bersamaan + tombol PANAH ATAS untuk kembali keposisi default
  • Tekan tombol CTR + ALT secara bersamaan + tombol PANAH BAWAH untuk kembali keposisi layer terbalik
  • Tekan tombol CTR + ALT secara bersamaan + tombol PANAH KANAN untuk kembali keposisi tampilan berputar kekanan 90 derajat
  • Tekan tombol CTR + ALT secara bersamaan + tombol PANAH KIRI untuk kembali keposisi tampilan berputar kekiri 90 derajat
Kalau tidak ada aral merintang seharusnya bisa kembali sesuai yang kita inginkan tampilan layarnya heheheee..
Berbagi itu indah. Jangan lupa untuk berkomentar ya bagi yang sudah ato belum berhasil.

Aug 6, 2011

How to Register a free Paypal

Currently anyone in Indonesia could easily accept online payments using paypal facilities as one of the online payment who is quite famous and known in the online world. 

The advantage of using paypal is,- FREE Registration - Register now click here- Already used by 150 million people in the world, from 190 countries- Accepting online payments with credit cards visa, master, discover- More secure we are when making online payments using paypal, credit card information because we do not need we provide when we want to buy something on the internet, because of the many internet marketers who use paypal to transfer the affiliate commission, then have a paypal, open many opportunities for you to earn commissions 

Requirements can register on paypal is having a debit card with the logo of Visa / Mastercard credit card with the logo of Visa / Master for verification. So if you do not have a credit card can use a debit card.
Follow these guidelines if you want to pick the paypal from Indonesia: 

First, Click HERE to register/join.Then click SIGN UP NOW! 

3. Furthermore, there is a choice state, because you are in Indonesia choose Indonesia. Then select the type of account you want, for new applicants in Indonesia are advised to choose a personal account first, you can upgrade later to the type of account Premiere or Business account easily and for free as needed. After that press the Continue 

4. Next input your information such as Name, Address, Phone, E-mail (Make sure the Name, Address, Phone that you entered for registration with your credit card data) 

To allow permanent U.S. Dollars currency because Rupiah there is no 

Examples of writing the correct phone number: 02177755555 / 021-77755555 / 62-21-77755555Examples of writing correct Mobile phone number: 0812345678 

The email you enter will be your PayPal username to log on or transact using PayPal then. 

Fill in your password with a combination of letters and numbers, at least 8 characters, use a different password with the password you normally use 

In the Password Recovery select and fill in two question and answer personally to get your password back if you ever forget your password 

Read more User Agreement and Privacy Policy, if necessary, then check the Yes, and typing in the security code was yellow in the fields without spaces. 

Check again and make sure the Name, Address, Phone that you fill with your credit card data, if it is convinced press Sign Up 

5. (Not right now) Dibagian further instructed to enter your credit card number that will be used to enter the funds into your PayPal account, if you have click Add Card. 

If you do not want to enter your credit card data now click Cancel, you can enter your credit card data and then after login at My Account page 

6. You will receive a confirmation email that you register and to activate a PayPal account, open an email from PayPal and click the confirmation link contained therein to confirm that you are the owner of this email 

7. After that you will be taken back to the PayPal site and enter your password again (you must enter your password each to the PayPal site) and follow the next step, after that you will go to the My Account page 

8. If you have to enter credit card data in the My Account page there will be readings Expanded options (choices), read the instructions carefully, you are instructed to press the Get Number to be Verified PayPal member (Truth your address already in check by PayPal) 

Option 1: To register a Verified PayPal member now press the Get Number to get the 4 digit security code from PayPal, which will be sent monthly statements into your next credit card, your credit card will be charged $ 1.95 USD for this purpose. The purpose of sending this PayPal security code is to ensure that the address you provided is correct (not a fictional address)If you have a 4 digit security code from your credit card monthly statement, login with your PayPal account, then the My Account page click the Activate Account - Complete Expanded Use Enrollment, after you enter 4-digit security code is your paypal account will be Verified members and will add $ 1.95 USD into your PayPal account as a Verified member automatically, so the calculated free. After you click tombolGet Number you will be taken to the My Account page .... 

Option 2: If you do not want to become a Verified member now miss the Expanded Version, click the Activate Account page later My Account after login to sign up for Verified member to limit your funds are not limited to, after you pass the Expanded Version you will be taken to ... My Account page. 

Finished, Congratulations you have a PayPal account! 

You already can use your PayPal account right now 


Now you already have an account Unverified PayPal account to make payments or send money to other PayPal accounts with a limit of $ 100 USD (or possibly more depending on some accounts credit card used), and can receive money from other PayPal accounts with a finite limit. To eliminate the limit of your Paypal account must be Verified members (Truth your address already in check by PayPal) by following the step # 6 above. With Unverified PayPal you can not withdraw into a bank account or your credit card. To be able to withdraw withdraw money from paypal balance, you already have a verified member.

adepted from :

Aug 5, 2011

Cara Mengembalikan Msconfig, Regedit dan Taskmanager yang Hilang

* Msconfig
- Buka folder [jika Windows XP] C:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\binaries 
- lalu copy file msconfig  di folder C:\windows\system32
- jika sudah buka kembali msconfig (start-run-msconfig) jika berhasil akan muncul tampilan msconfignya.
* Regedit
- Jalankan command prompt ( Start-All Program-Accessories-Command Prompt atau Start-Run-CMD )
- Ketikkan pada CMD :reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools
- Kemudian muncul konfirmasi , ketikan "Y" untuk yes.
- Buka lagi regeditnya (Start-Run-Regedit), jika berhasil akan muncul tampilan regeditnya.
* Taskmanager
- Jalankan command prompt (Start-All Program-Accessories-Command Prompt atau Start-Run-CMD)
- Ketikkan pada CMD :reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr
- Jika muncul konfirmasi , ketikan "Y" untuk yes
- Jalankan kembali taskmanager(Start-Run-taskmgr), jika berhasil akan muncul tampilan taskmanagernya.

Semoga Bermanfaat, bagi yang berhasil ato tidak kasih report nya ya.